Saturday, 2 March 2013

North Korean’s punished for not being sad enough!

By : Annam Lodhi
Ever heard of a penalty for not being unhappy? Well! North Korea’s harsh regime has been punishing citizens who have not showed enough grief on the passing of Dictator Kim Jong-il, who has been succeeded by his youngest son, Kim Jong-un, becoming the third of his line to head the world's only hereditary totalitarian Stalinist state, according to reports.
Dictator Kim Jong-il died in December at the age of 69 after running world's most reclusive state for 17 years. He was announced dead on December 19, although official media reported his death two days earlier, on a train journey to give guidance to his subjects.
The Daily NK, an online newspaper based in South Korea quoted a source, as saying that the “authorities are handing down at least six months in a labour-training camp to anybody who didn’t participate in the organized gathering during the mourning period, or who did participate but didn’t cry & didn’t seem genuine”
So during the 100day “mandatory” mourning period the Citizens suspected of “not mourning enough” were sent to labour-training camps for at least six months. Others were sent to re-education camps, were they will be taught about the greatness of their new leader & Those truly unfortunate were sent to remote areas with their families for unspecified punishment. The number of people captivated is un-known.

In these crucial circumstances those who tried to flee or contact anyone with their cell phones will be “punished accordingly”. Despite its large population the flow of information in & out of the country is muffled.

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